User settings

Resetting your password

Resetting your password

To reset your password, follow these steps:

  1. Open the SEEBURGER Customer Portal.

  2. Click Forgot your password? below the field Password.

  3. Enter the email address connected to your user account.

  4. Click Request Password.

  5. Click the link in the email we sent you to the email address you provided.

  6. In the field New Password, enter a new password.

  7. In the field Confirm New Password, repeat your new password.

  8. Click Change Password.

Note: You can reset your password during the lockout period. Please note, that this will not unlock your user account earlier. Your new password will be valid only after your user account is unlocked.

Your user account will be automatically unlocked after 1 hour. In urgent cases, please contact your administrators, they can unlock your user account manually.

Find more information here:

> Password policy

> Why can I no longer log in to the SEEBURGER Customer Portal?