Note: The Business Card can only be created if the corresponding Peppol ID is configured for both outbound and inbound communication. This means that the Peppol ID has to be set to „Bidirectional“. |
Note: If a Peppol Business Card has already been configured before March 28, 2023, it can be published to the Peppol Directory manually using the button Publish to Peppol Directory. On small screens you will find this button in the dropdown next to the button Activate Inbound. |
To create and publish a Business Card, follow these steps:
Open the app PEPPOL.
Click on a B2B Entry.
In the section Peppol IDs select a Peppol ID.
In the section Business Card: [Name] click on New.
Enter your data.
Click on Save & Publish.
Information: To find out if you have a business card for a specific Peppol ID and if this Business Card has been successfully published, see the table columns Business Card and Published in the section Peppol IDs. |