
What is the Communication Service?

What is the Communication Service?

The Communication Service in the SEEBURGER Cloud is a central gateway which routes your messages to your partners without you having to establish an individual connection to each of the partners. Instead, only one connection from any kind of system on your side to the gateway is required to exchange messages with all partners who are connected to the gateway. Both sides can use their preferred protocol and are independent from the protocols of their partners.

This means, changes of URLs or certificates have to be made only once for the individual connection to the gateway. For partners already connected to the gateway, their master data, certificates and preferred protocols are already known.

When you send a message to the gateway, the gateway plays a key role as a ″router“: For each message received, the gateway decides to which EDI system this message is to be delivered. The gateway follows a set of defined rules when routing a received message to the recipient. The recommended routing method in the Communication Service is called metadata-based routing. This routing method allows you to send and receive files of all types without being restricted to only structured EDI files.

    The Communication Service consists of the following apps:

  • B2B Directory: Here you can set up your connection to the gateway and search for business partners, who are already connected to the gateway.

  • B2B Routing: Here you can monitor the status of your incoming and outgoing messages.

Find more information here:

> Communication protocols

> Metadata-based routing