
What is the difference between content-based routing and metadata-based routing?

What is the difference between content-based routing and metadata-based routing?

Content-based routing (CBR) is a routing method that requires structured EDI formats such as EDIFACT, ANSI X.12 or SEEXML. These file formats contain elements used for the identification of senders and recipients. The gateway in the SEEBURGER Cloud reads these elements and searches for the appropriate routing rule to deliver the message to the system of the recipient. Using the content-based routing method, you are independent from the used communication protocol but are restricted to the file formats mentioned above.

The metadata-based routing (MBR) is independent from the used file format. Instead of using specific elements of a structured file to identify sender and recipient, this routing method uses fields that are transmitted by the communication protocol as a unique ID. This unique ID acts as the EDI address and replaces the elements contained in structured EDI formats. This way, the gateway does not have to look into the content of your messages. With this routing method, you work with one defined communication protocol, but are not limited in the file formats you want to exchange.

SEEBURGER recommends using the metadata-based routing for the Communication Service.

Find more information here:

> Metadata-based routing

> Communication protocols