
Activating a new user account via invitation

Activating a new user account via invitation

Note: You need to be invited to be able to activate your new user account via invitation. To invite you, a user assigned to the group IAM User (global) needs to create a new user account for you:

> Options for creating new user accounts

If you were invited, you will have received an invitation email. The invitation email will look similar to the example below.

To activate your new user account, follow these steps:

  1. Click the registration link in the invitation email.

  2. Complete your account data.

    • Enter the Activation Code provided in the invitation email.
    • Fill in the mandatory field New Password.
    • Fill in the mandatory field Confirm New Password.
  3. Click Activate Account.

You will be automatically logged into the BIS Portal.

Find more information here:

> Password policy