Masterdata Navigator

Transporting objects

Transporting objects
  1. Collect data on the source system.

    • In the Masterdata Navigator, a collection can be created.
    • Masterdata records can be added to a collection.
      Note: The Add missing references option allows you to add elements to a collection that are referred to by records already in the collection.
  2. Create a transport based on a collection.

  3. Edit the records in the transport.

  4. Change the behavior of a transport for the traget system:

    • Add - Adds a record if it does not already exist, does noting if it already exists.
    • Update - Updates a record if it already exists, creates a record if it does not exist.
    • Delete - Removes a record if it exists, does nothing if it does not exist,
  5. Send a transport to a target system. Alternatively, it is possible to download a transport.