Masterdata Navigator

Target Systems

Target Systems

The "Target Systems" screen displays a list of configured transport target systems. Each transport target contains the recipient system details such as target URL, target logical system, and target credentials. This screen is used for managing transport target systems and supports actions such as Add, Update, Delete provided that the user has the necessary permissions.

    In order to create a new transport target system, the following details must be provided:

  • System Name – Descriptive name for the transport target system (for example "PROD000", "TEST000"). The system name must be unique.

  • Target URL – must include: protocol, host, port and /api context.

  • Logical System – the recipient logical system

  • User and Password or Access Token for the authentication on the target system. It is strongly recommended to generate and use an Access Token and not store user passwords this way.

To test the entered configuration, click Test Connection button to check if the connection to the recipient system can be established.

    The following error messages are possible:

  • You are not authorized to access this resource. The connection could be established but the specified user credentials are not valid or do not have the required permissions on the target system. You should see log entries in the source and target system with error details of the REST call.

  • Service Unavailable. Please review your settings and try again. The specified URL cannot be connected or the given hostname cannot be resolved. You can see log entries in the source system with further details of the failed REST call.

  • Malformed URL. The given URL cannot be parsed and the form cannot be saved. Check the URL syntax (no spaces, use [::1] for IPv6 literals, use colon for port separator. If you hover over the error icon besides the input field, you will see some technical error details. Example for well-formed URL: https://adminserver.targetsystem:14000/api

To send a transport, navigate to either Transports screen or Outgoing Transports screens select a transport and click the Send button. In the next dialog, select an already configured transport target system from the drop-down menu, or create a new one by clicking the Create new target system button. If a new target system is created there, it will also be listed in the Target Systems screen later.

It is recommended to use the HTTPS protocol for interchange between the systems.

Note: If the connection is made by using the HTTPS protocol (recommended), the server certificates of the receiving system must be validated by the sending system. The client will search the truststore TRUSTED\TRUSTED_INSTANCES in the Key Store Manager for this. It also checks that the specified host name is found in the certificate.