License management

Checking license statuses

Checking license statuses
  1. Log in to the SEEBURGER Customer Portal.

    > Registration options in the SEEBURGER Customer Portal

  2. Open the app BIS License Manager.

  3. Check the license status in the column Status.

Information: If you do not see this column, you can select it using the column settings.

> Adding and hiding columns in tables

Your license request may have one of the following statuses:

  • Requested: your license request has been received by SEEBURGER,

  • Request received: your license request is being processed by SEEBURGER,

  • Done: your license has been approved; the license can be downloaded,

  • Rejected: your license request has been rejected; you will be informed about the reason via email,

  • Expired: the licensing period for your Time Limited license has ended,

  • Deletion request received: your deletion request has been received by SEEBURGER,

  • Deleted: your license has been deleted.

Information: By double-clicking on a license request, you can view details about that request, for example, in case of the Expired status, the expiration date.