Add-on Automations

Step 2: Repeat

Step 2: Repeat

Note: This is a detailed description of this step, which is displayed when you create or duplicate an automation. You can find the main instructions here:

> Creating new automations

> Duplicating and customizing existing automations

    In this step, you can define the time and frequency of your automation. You can choose from the following options:

  • Repeats: Can be Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly

  • Repeat every…: depends on the setting Repeats (see screenshot below for the available combinations)

  • Starts on: This is the date of the first time the automation will run if it is activated in the first step.

  • Time zone: Select the valid time zone for your configuration.

  • Repeats at: Set the time the automation should run. Only whole hour values are available.

  • Ends: Choose one of the following options:

    • Never: If the automation is activated, it does not have an end date for the final run.

    • After: If the automation is activated, it stops after the occurrences you have set.

    • On: The automation will run until a fixed end date.

Available combinations for Repeat every...: