Add-on Automations

Add-on "Automations"

Add-on "Automations"

The add-on Automations enables scheduled execution of searches in previously defined intervals and points in time. A notification is sent to a list of recipients via email after each run. Optionally, it is possible to attach the search result either as CSV or Excel file. In addition to standard search screens, it is possible to add a comparison of an expected total count of matching messages to a defined value. The automation will then only send out an email if this additional condition is met.

This add-on has a configurator and an overview screen about the setup of automations. In this overview each automation offers a journal of previous runs for the last 30 days, including the search terms used during the execution.

Using Automations, you can be informed about the results of your automated searches without having to login and use the application. This add-on is not included in the standard Message Tracking. The limit of each search is 5,000 entries.

    If you have booked the add-on Automations, you will receive the following roles that you can assign to your users via groups:

  • Message Tracking Automations Users: You can create new automations and see, edit, delete, activate, and deactivate your own automations.

  • Message Tracking Automations Admin: You can create new automations and see, edit, delete, activate, and deactivate your own automations. You can also see other users’ automations in the overview table, view the details, and activate and deactivate other users existing automations in your UMS group.

Find further information about user management here:

> User management

If you assign one of the roles to a user, the menu item Automations will be displayed to them in the app Message Tracking. If you also have the add-on Profile Designer, you need to enable your custom profiles for automations. You can do so by checking the checkbox Enable Automation in the first step Base Settings when creating search profiles. SEEBURGER standard profiles are always enabled for automations.

Find more information here:

> Creating new search profiles