Add-on Profile Designer

Step 5: Search Conditions

Step 5: Search Conditions

Note: This is a detailed description of this step, which is displayed when you create or duplicate a search profile. You can find the main instructions here:

> Creating new search profiles

> Duplicating and customizing existing search profiles

The basic conditions for the search dialog are defined here.

Section "Search Configuration"

    Here you can define the BIS IS Selection Mode in the section with the very name. You can choose from the following options:

  • Select then sort newest first: This will select the data first and then sort it according to the field creation Time.

  • Select then sort own sort criteria: This will first select data and then use the field that is set up in the table overview as the sorting criteria.

  • Sort then select own sort criteria (not recommended due to performance issues): The data selection is done after sorting all the data according to the setup in the table overview.

Section "Profile Search Conditions"



Static Search Conditions

A profile user cannot remove a static search condition. It can be used to narrow down the result of a search to a specific use case. It is possible to display the static search condition by default the static search conditions are hidden from the profile user however, it is possible to display the static search condition.

Mandatory Search Conditions

Mandatory search conditions will force the profile user to narrow down the search with this condition. This can be useful if a search with missing information, like a timestamp for example, does not result in a time out from the data base.

Default Dynamic Search Conditions

A user can change the default dynamic search conditions when accessing a profile. To increase usability and visibility of important fields, the conditions defined as default should be the most commonly used search conditions and should not include all searchable fields.

Example of the section Profile Search Conditions: